Arnot – Lesser Parables of Our Lord

Lesser Parables of Our Lord is a commentary on the lesser Parables of our Lord. These are lesser as commonly seen among most people, although they are very rich in content.

Lesser Parables of Our Lord

By Arnot

Lesser Parables of Our Lord is a commentary on the lesser Parables of our Lord. These are lesser as commonly seen among most people, although they are very rich in content.

Contents of Lesser Parables of Our Lord

1. The harvest field and the harvest laborers. Part 1.
2. The harvest field and the harvest laborers. Part 2.
3. The fields white already to harvest,
4. Liberty
5. True, yet tender — tender, yet true,
6. The food that Jesus loved and lived on,
7. The food that Jesus gave to his own,
8. The two families— the natural and the spiritual,
9. Trees of righteousness. Part 1. …
10. Trees of righteousness. Part 2. …

B. Lessons of grace in the language of nature.
1. Adam a type of Christ
2. Epistles of Christ
3. Christians the light of the world
4. A comprehensive confession
5. Rooted in love,
6. Drawn and dragged,
7. The fixed compass,
8. The Good Shepherd,
9. Personal adorning,
10. The salt of the earth,

C. Readings in first Peter.
1. Peter, an apostle,
2. Apostolic benediction,
3. The heirs and their inheritance, …
4. Mighty to save,
5. The latter end is peace,
6. Rejoicing in tribulation,
7. Salvation by substitution,
8. No cross, no crown,
9. Jesus in the midst,
10. Obedient children,
11. Bought with a price,
12. Love on the spring,
13. Man and his glory,
14. “Christ in you the hope of glory,”
15. The bane and the antidote,
16. Living stones,
17. “On either side one; and Jesus in the midst,”
18. “The Lord’s people, the lord’s treasure,”
19. The way and the fruits of redemption,
20. The warfare
21. The witness of a pure life,
22. The scriptures sanction civil authority,
23. The dignity of man,
24. No respect of persons,
25. The Brotherhood
26. Love the brotherhood,

D. Life in Christ.
1. Life in Christ,
2. Christ and the sacraments— the spirit and the body,
3. Faith and a good conscience,
4. The prodigal,
5. No cross, no crown,
6. The relation between doctrine and life


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