Torrey Importance of Personal Soul Winning

Torrey The Importance of Personal Soul Winning

Torrey The Importance of Personal Soul Winning is a single short chapter or article on various aspects of soul-winning. Topics: Anybody Can Do It | You Can Do It in Any Place | You Can Do It at Any Time | It Reaches All Classes | It Is Effective | It Produces Abundant Results.

Torrey The Importance of Personal Soul Winning is a single short chapter or article on various aspects of soul-winning. Topics: Anybody Can Do It | You Can Do It in Any Place | You Can Do It at Any Time | It Reaches All Classes | It Is Effective | It Produces Abundant Results.

**** This is a short 1 chapter article, not a full book ****

The Importance of Personal Soul Winning

By Dr. R. A. Torrey

Topics in The Importance of Personal Soul Winning

Anybody Can Do It
You Can Do It in Any Place
You Can Do It at Any Time
It Reaches All Classes
It Is Effective
It Produces Abundant Results


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Sample Excerpt from The Importance of Personal Soul Winning

I want to talk about the advantages of personal work.

The first advantage: Anybody Can Do It You cannot all preach. I am glad you can’t. What an institution this world would be if we were all preachers! You cannot all sing like Charles Alexander. I am glad you can’t, for if you could, he would be no curiosity; and you would not come to hear him sing and give me a chance to preach to you! You cannot all teach Sunday school classes. Some have an idea that any converted person can teach a Sunday school class. I don’t believe it. I think we are making a great mistake in setting the unqualified to teaching.

But there is not a child of God who cannot do personal work. A mother with a large family knows she is not called to be a preacher (at least I hope she does); but she can do personal work better than anybody else in her home.

A lady came to me–she had five children–and said (I think she had been reading the life of Frances Willard), “I wish I could do some work like that for Christ.” I said, “You can work for Christ among all the people you are surrounded by.” I watched that woman. Every one of her children was brought to Christ–every one! Every maid who came to work in that home was dealt with about her soul. Every grocer’s boy who came around to the door was dealt with about his soul. Every time she went out shopping, she made it a point to talk with the one behind the counter. And when, one dark day, death came into the home and took away a sweet little child, she did not forget to speak to the undertaker who came to do the last offices for the dead, about his soul. He told me that nothing had ever impressed him as that woman, in the midst of her sorrow, being interested in his soul.

An invalid can do personal work. I have a friend in New York City who has left a life of wealth and fashion to go out to work among the outcast.

One day she got hold of a poor outcast girl. The girl didn’t live much over a year after that lady had led her to Christ. My friend took her to her home to die. As Delia was dying, she wrote to her friends, some in Sing Sing Prison, some in the Tombs of New York City–all her friends were among the criminal class–about Christ. Those who were not behind prison bars she invited to come and see her. My friend told me, “There was a constant procession up the stairway to the outcast–women and men who came to see Delia. Before Delia died, one hundred of the most hopeless men and women in New York City she had led to Christ.” That puts us to shame! Suppose God kindled a fire right here in your hearts and you received the anointing of the Spirit of Christ, and every one of you should start out to do personal work; you would not need any evangelist to come from abroad.

We have come to stir you up to do it.

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