Baxter Richard – A Call to the Unconverted!

Baxter Richard – A Call to the Unconverted!

Baxter Richard – A Call to the Unconverted!

“I published a short treatise on conversion, intitled, A Call to the Unconverted. The occasion of this was my converse with bishop Usher, while I was at London. who, approving my method and directions suited for peace of conscience, was importunate with me to write directions suited to the various states of Christians, and also against particular sins: I reverenced the man, but disregarded these persuasions, supposing I could do nothing but what is done better already: but when he was dead, his words went deeper to my mind, and I purposed to obey his counsel; yet, so as that to the first sort of men, (the ungodly), I thought vehement persuasions meeter than directions only; and so for such I published this little book, which God hath blessed with unexpected success, beyond all the rest that I have written, except “The Saint’s Rest.”

In a little more than a year, there were about twenty thousand of them printed by my own consent, and about ten thousand since; beside many thousands by stolen impressions, which poor men stole for lucre sake.—Through God’s mercy, I have information of almost whole households converted by this small book, which I set so light by; and, as if all this in England, Scotland, and Ireland, were not mercy enough to me, God (since I was silenced) hath sent it over on his message to many beyond the seas; for when Mr. Elliot had printed all the Bible in the Indian language, he next translated this my “Call to the Unconverted,” as he wrote to us here.—And yet God would make some farther use of it; for Mr. Stoop, the pastor of the French Church in London, being driven hence by the displeasure of his superiors, was pleased to translate it into French. I hope it will not be unprofitable there, nor in Germany, when it is printed in Dutch.”-Richard Baxter


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