Best Born Again Phenomenon A Coverup For Heresy

Best Born Again Phenomenon A Coverup For Heresy

Best Born Again Phenomenon A Coverup For Heresy

By W.E. Best


Section I – The Subjective Aspect Of Life – John 3:1-8
1. A Depraved Religionist
2. A Passive Sinner
3. Unsanctified Reason
4. Born Of Water and Spirit
5. Flesh and Spirit
6. Necessity For Regeneration

Section II – The Objective Aspect Of Life – John 3:9-15
7. The Objective Revelation of Christ
8. Objective Life Experienced
9. Objective Life Realized

Section III – Results Of Subjective And Objective Life – John 3:16-21
10. Eternal Life For Those God Loves
11. No Judgment On Those God Loves


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