Austin-Sparks The Fight of the Faith

n brief work of 5 chapters Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life) presents us with the fight of faith. The book is actually about our faith from the aspect of being a son. This sonship causes conflict between us and sin and Satan, and as such, Austin-Sparks reveals different aspects of fighting the faith, winning the battle, and secrets. His chapters are the faith, the nature of soship, the liberty of sons, the revelation in relation to sonship, and the mystery of the Gospel.

 The Fight of the Faith

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in “A Witness and A Testimony” magazines 1942-43.

Summary: In brief work of 5 chapters Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life) presents us with the fight of faith. The book is actually about our faith from the aspect of being a son. This sonship causes conflict between us and sin and Satan, and as such, Austin-Sparks reveals different aspects of fighting the faith, winning the battle, and secrets. His chapters are the faith, the nature of woship, the liberty of sons, the revelation in relation to sonship, and the mystery of the Gospel.
AIM: Methodist, Deeper Life.
CIM: Salvation/Soteriology, Faith.
Version: October 3, 2014


Chapter 1 – The Faith
Chapter 2 – The Nature of Sonship
Chapter 3 – The Liberty of Sons
Chapter 4 – Revelation in Relation to Sonship
Chapter 5 – The Mystery of the Gospel


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