Luginbill Angelology

Luginbill – Angelology: the Study of Angels

Dr. Luginbill’s work, Angelology, the Study of Angels, is a single chapter work on Angels. Although brief, it is quite well documented on the specifics of the doctrine of angels.

Angelology: the Study of Angels

Angelology: the Study of Angels
by Dr. Robert D. Luginbill

God’s creation of angelic beings, the rebellion of some, His plan and ultimate victory.
In speaking of angels, He says, “He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire.” Heb. 1:7 NIV

Dr. Luginbill’s work, Angelogy, the Study of Angels, is a single chapter work on Angels. Although brief, it is quite well documented on the specifics of the doctrine of angels. Angelology, Study of Angels by Bill Luginbill is a very long single chapter outline on angelology. It has two divisions, The Purpose, Creation and Nature of Angels, and Satan’s Rebellion and World Rule.

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Content of Luginbill Angelogy the Study of Angels

I. The Purpose, Creation and Nature of Angels
1. The Purpose of Angels
1) God, the Creator, existed before His creation.
2) God was self-sufficient before He created the universe, and is so now.
3) God’s purpose in creating angels and mankind is for His glory and our good.
2. The Creation of Angels
3. The Nature of Angels
1) Angels are finite beings
2) Angels are finite in number
3) Angels are different from human being in significant respects
4) Angels are similar to human beings in significant respects
5) Angels are temporarily superior to mankind
6) Angels will ultimately be inferior to mankind
7) Angels are acutely aware of and involved in human affairs
II. Satan’s Rebellion and World Rule
1. The Occasion of the Rebellion
1) Satan’s original status
2) Satan’s character
3) Satan’s Sin
4) Satan’s Fall
5) Satan’s coup d’Etat
6) Satan’s Platform

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1. Angels have no strictly material bodies of their own.
2. The Serpent of Gen 3
3. The Angelic Infiltration of Gen 6
4. The Legion of Demons and the Swine
5. The Wandering Spirit
2. God’s Judgment on the Universe
3. God’s Restoration of the Earth
1. The presence of the heavens and earth in place at Gen 1:3 shows this is re-creation.
2. The presence of the angels during the seven days shows this is re-creation.
3. God’s pronouncement of His acts as “good” shows this is re-creation
4. God’s construction of the firmament argues that this is re-creation
5. Re-creation explains appearance of age.
6. Re-creation is analogous to other divine restorations.
7. Re-creation is focused on Man as a replacement for Satan and his angels
4. God’s Replacement for Satan
5. Satan and the Fall of Man
6. The Limits of Satan’s World Rule
7. Satan’s World-System
8. Satan’s Strategy
9. The Angelic Order of Battle
1) The Current Heavenly Truce
2) The Kingdom of God versus the kingdom of Satan
3) The Organization of the Elect Angels
4) Special Functions of Elect Angels
5) General Service of Elect Angels
6) The Organization of the Fallen Angels
7) God’s use of Evil Spirits
8) Angelic Combat
9) Believers versus Unbelievers
10) Satan’s Tactics

Introduction: The subject of angels has long fascinated mankind, not just believers but unbelievers, and not just dedicated believers bent on spiritual growth, but also those with “itchy ears” for this subject (but not necessarily for other teachings of the Bible). The purpose of this study is to give an essential overview of what God would have us to know about angels based upon what is actually contained in His Word.

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