Whitworth The Angel Quiz

Whitworth The Angel Quiz is a single chapter work asking and answering questions on angels and what the Bible teaches about them.

Whitworth The Angel Quiz is a single chapter work asking and answering questions on angels and what the Bible teaches about them.

The Angel Quiz
Written by Lou Whitworth

Origin and Background of the Angels and Demons

The subject of this essay is angels. The material is presented in a quiz format because we have learned that many people enjoy testing their biblical knowledge in this way. Before going to the quiz, however, a few introductory observations about angels are in order.

Angels are referred to in 34 of the 66 books of the Bible. They are mentioned 108 times in the Old Testament and 165 times in the New Testament.{1}

The presence of good angels, and evil ones (demons), are recognized in most of the world’s religions. Angels are important figures in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, many Christian cults, and in the occult. “The history of various religions from the earliest times shows belief in Satan and demons to be universal….The great ethnic faiths of India, China, and Japan major in demonism, as well as the animistic religions of Africa, South America, and some islands….To an amazing degree, the history of religion is an account of demon-controlled religion, particularly in its clash with the Hebrew faith and later with Christianity.”{2}

Currently interest in angels is very high in the United States, and many books and seminars are being offered on the subject in an attempt to meet this heightened curiosity about angels.

Unfortunately most of these books and seminars are naive, at best, and more often than not, occultic in orientation.

Now let’s turn to the quiz.

1. What does the word angel mean?

The basic meaning of the word angel is “messenger.” This is significant because a messenger is given a message by a higher person. Much of the contemporary romance with angels sees them as somewhat independent, if not totally autonomous, but a messenger is on a mission from someone higher, in this case from God…or Satan.

2. What are some of the other names used of angels?
Other terms used to describe angels are: ministers, hosts (the armies of God), chariots, watchers, sons of the mighty, sons of God, elohim (or sons of Elohim), holy ones, and stars.{3}

3. Are angels created or have they always been with God?
They were created by Christ (Col. 1:15-17; Joh. 1:3).

4. When were they created?
They were created some time prior to the creation of the earth because Job 38:4-7 says that the sons of God (angels) sang with joy when the earth was created.

5. What about their appearance? How do angels look?
When angels appear on earth, they usually have the appearance of adult human males and are often described in the same passage both as men and as angels (Gen. 18:1-2). In Mar. 16:5 an angel is described as a young man.

6. What do angels wear?
7. Is it possible to encounter angels and not recognize them as angels?
8. Do angels really have wings?
9. How do people react upon encountering angels?

Angels in the Old Testament

10. What caused the fall of the angels?
11. When did they fall?
12. Does Satan make his first appearance in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3?
Total of 39 questions.

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