Sandberg Maria – Glimpses of Heaven

Sandberg Maria – Glimpses of Heaven To many, especially among the sick and sorrowful, it is again sent forth to speak silently to the troubled heart of what is revealed to us of the things that are unseen and eternal in the Book of the Revelation.

Sandberg Maria – Glimpses of Heaven
Glimpses of Heaven!
Meditations on the Book of Revelation

Maria Sandberg, 1880

Another edition of this little book of “Glimpses of Heaven!” has been called for. It has already passed through several editions; and, having been blessed by God to many, especially among the sick and sorrowful, it is again sent forth to speak silently to the troubled heart of what is revealed to us of the things that are unseen and eternal in the Book of the Revelation.

In the midst of much that is difficult to be understood…

In these meditations on heavenly bliss, we should try as much as we can to render them profitable for our sanctification and growth in grace. They should be seasons of great searchings of heart, when our souls are, as it were, gazing upon the realities of eternity, in the sight of the heart-searching God, with all their inmost recesses laid bare before Him. Then would they exercise a sanctifying influence over us. We would be often restrained from what is unworthy of our heavenly hopes, by the thought of the glimpse of Heaven which has left its sweet, yet solemn remembrance. We should say, “How shall we be able to appear before our God prepared, as it were, to sit down at the marriage supper of the Lamb

That these meditations may help the sad and tried believer to “recover their strength” on their way to their eternal home above, is the earnest prayer of the author. Sandberg Maria – Glimpses of Heaven


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