Pentecost Things to Come

Pentecost Things to Come is a premillennial work on eschatology of great note by Dwight Pentecost.

Pentecost Things to Come is a premillennial work on eschatology of great note by Dwight Pentecost.

“Because of the prominence of prophecy in Scripture, many excellent books have appeared dealing with prophetic subjects. Until recently, however, the treatment of prophecy has been either apologetic or expository, and prophetic themes have been developed individually apart from their relation to the whole revealed prophetic program. Much of our knowledge has been only fragmentary and unrelated. Dr. Dwight Pentecost’s monumental text, Things to Come, has changed all that. In this massive, highly successful book, Dr. Pentecost has synthesized the whole field of prophecy into a unified biblical doctrine, a systematic and complete biblical eschatology. With nearly a quarter of a million copies sold, Things to Come has earned its place in the library of the pastor, the scholar, and the seminarian or Bible institute student. In addition, it offers a comprehensive and accessible study for anyone interested in the important subject of biblical prophecy.”


Table of Contents Pentecost Things to Come

Title Page

Section One The Interpretation of Prophecy
Chapter I. The Methods of Interpretation
Chapter II. The History of Interpretation
Chapter III. General Considerations in Interpretation
Chapter IV. The Interpretation of Prophecy

Section Two The Biblical Covenants and Eschatology
Chapter V. The Abrahamic Covenant
Chapter VI. The Palestinian Covenant
Chapter VII. The Davidic Covenant
Chapter VIII. The New Covenant

Section Three Prophecies of the Present Age
Chapter IX. The Course of the Present Age
Chapter X. The Partial Rapture Position
Chapter XI. The Posttribulation Rapture Theory
Chapter XII. The Midtribulation Rapture Position
Chapter XIII. The Pretribulation Rapture Theory
Chapter XIV. The Events for the Church Following the Rapture

Section Four Prophecies of the Tribulation Period
Chapter XV. The Scriptural Doctrine of the Tribulation
Chapter XVI. The Relation of the Church to the Tribulation
Chapter XVII. The Relation of the Holy Spirit to the Tribulation
Chapter XVIII. Israel in the Tribulation
Chapter XIX. The Gentiles in the Tribulation
Chapter XX. The Campaign of Armageddon
Chapter XXI. The Judgments of the Tribulation

Section Five Prophecies related to the Second Advent
Chapter XXII. The History of the Doctrine of the Second Advent
Chapter XXIII. The Resurrections associated with the Second Advent
Chapter XXIV. The Judgments associated with the Second Advent

Section Six Prophecies of the Millennium
Chapter XXV. The Kingdom Concept in the Old Testament
Chapter XXVI. The Kingdom Program in the New Testament
Chapter XXVII. The Kingdom Program in the Present Age
Chapter XXVIII. The Scriptural Doctrine of the Millennium
Chapter XXIX. The Government and the Governed in the Millennium
Chapter XXX. Worship in the Millennium
Chapter XXXI. The Relation Between Living and Resurrected Saint in the Millennium

Section Seven Prophecies of the Eternal State
Chapter XXXII. The Preparation for the Eternal Kingdom
Chapter XXXIII. The Heavenly City New Jerusalem

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