Dennett Blessed Hope

Dennett Blessed Hope looks at eschatological issues, our hope, rapture, Judgment Seat, Coming of Christ, Tribulation, etc.

Dennett Blessed Hope looks at eschatological issues, our hope, rapture, Judgment Seat, Coming of Christ, Tribulation, etc.

Table of Contents of Dennett Blessed Hope

The Blessed Hope.

being papers on the Lord’s Coming.
E. Dennett.

Chapter  1 The Hope of the Church
Chapter  2 Is it a present hope or a Deferred Hope?
Chapter  3 The Rapture of the Saints
Chapter  4 The Judgment Seat of Christ
Chapter  5 The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Chapter  6 The Restoration of the Jews
Chapter  7 The Apostasy and the Antichrist
Chapter  8 The Great Tribulation
Chapter  9 The Appearing of Christ
Chapter 10 The Kingdom of Christ
Chapter 11 The New Jerusalem
Chapter 12 The Great White Throne and the Eternal State

More Modules by Dennett


THESE papers, originally issued in The Christian Friend and Instructor, have been revised, and are now reprinted, with the earnest prayer that their perusal, with the Lord’s blessing, may tend to revive the blessed hope of His return in the hearts of His people.

BLACKHEATH, April, 1879.


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