Mason Believers Pocket Companion

Mason – Believer’s Pocket Companion

William Mason’s Believer’s Pocket Companion is a single chapter work which has a lot in it. This module begins with choice excerpts, and then the main chapter. Instead of listing chapters, I will give you excerpts below.

Believer’s Pocket Companion

Believer’s Pocket Companion
By William Mason

William Mason’s Believer’s Pocket Companion is a single chapter work which has a lot in it. This module begins with choice excerpts, and then the main chapter. Instead of listing chapters, I will give you excerpts below.

Works by William Mason

Excerpts from Believer’s Pocket Companion

A rod of love to whip you

“The one who will not use the rod hates his son, but the
one who loves him disciplines him diligently.” Pro 13:24

Pliny mentions certain trees which grow in the Red Sea, which, though they are covered with water, and beat upon by the waves—they stand like an immovable rock. They are bettered by the roughness of the sea.

We have been admiring our vile selves!

“I hate pride and arrogance!” Pro 8:13

What a monster of pride is man! How full of that cursed venom, is human nature! We cannot receive any grace or blessing from the Lord—but corrupt nature is prone to be proud of it—and to boast in it! No one is exempt from this…

But where is our precious Christ all this while? We have looked at ourselves—until we have lost sight of Him! We have been admiring our vile selves for our graces—instead of being in rapt_ures with Christ, who is altogether lovely, in whom all fullness of grace dwells, and out of whose fullness we receive grace upon grace!

“The Lord detests all the proud of heart!” Pro 16:5

Death cannot hurt you!

Christian! Death cannot hurt you! Death is your best friend—who is commissioned by Christ to summon you from the world of vanity and woe, and from a body of sin and death—to the blissful regions of glory and immortality, to meet your Lord, and to be forever with Him!

A continual supply of grace, comfort, and strength

“I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me!” Gal 2:20

That the believer may live cheerfully and comfortably, he is exhorted to the free and constant use of Christ.

O consider—Christ is given to us—to be enjoyed by us!

He is the bread of life. We are to feed upon Him daily.

He is the water of life, which our souls are to drink of constantly.

He is our righteousness. We are to put Him on continually.

So then, we not only have a precious Christ—but we are also to use Him—and enjoy His preciousness! He is not only a well of salvation—but we must draw water out of it with joy—and drink of it to the refreshing of our souls!


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