Austin-Sparks Horizoned by Life

In this work by Austin-Sparks (Assembly of Christ, Reformed-Calvinist) he examines how Life should “horizon” us. “Horizon” is to be totally overwhlemed by something. In these 6 chapters, he looks at the Criterion of Life, the Criterion of Livingness, of Growth, of reproduction, of function and energy

Horizoned by Life

by T. Austin-Sparks


First published in “A Witness and A Testimony” magazines, 1964-65
AIM: Methodist, Deeper Life.
CIM: Creation-Evolution, Principle of Life.
Version: October 3, 2014


Chapter 1 – Life, The Criterion
Chapter 2 – The Criterion of Livingness
Chapter 3 – The Criteria of Livingness – Growth
Chapter 4 – The Criteria of Livingness – Reproduction
Chapter 5 – The Criteria of Livingness – Function and Energy
Chapter 6 – Conclusion

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