Winslow, Mary – Walking with Jesus

Walking with Jesus!

Spiritual meditations for pilgrims in a weary land on their way to glory!

Choice selections from the letters and diary of Mary Winslow, (1774-1854).


How poor and unsatisfying are all things here below; even the best and the loveliest! Oh, to walk more intimately with Him, to live above the world, and hold the creature with a looser hand, taking God’s Word as our guiding light; our unfailing spring of comfort. God has eternally provided such a magnificent and holy Heaven for us above, that He is jealous lest we should set our hearts too fondly and closely upon the attractions of earth. Therefore it is that He withers our gourds and breaks our cisterns; only to dislodge us here, and lead us to seek those things which are above, where Christ our treasure is.


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