Slick CARM Essential Doctrines of the Christian Faith

Slick, M. CARM – Essential Doctrines of Christianity

The Bible itself reveals those doctrines that are essential to the Christian faith.  They are 1) the Deity of Christ, 2) Salvation by Grace, 3) Resurrection of Christ, 4) the gospel, and 5) monotheism.  These are the doctrines the Bible says are necessary.

The Bible itself reveals those doctrines that are essential to the Christian faith.  They are 1) the Deity of Christ, 2) Salvation by Grace, 3) Resurrection of Christ, 4) the gospel, and 5) monotheism.  These are the doctrines the Bible says are necessary.

This small article could very well determine whether you are in or out of the Christian Faith

Litmus Test: You have to believe items 1-5 to be in the Christian Faith.

From the Book

The Bible itself reveals those doctrines that are essential to the Christian faith. They are 1) the Deity of Christ, 2) Salvation by Grace, 3) Resurrection of Christ, 4) the gospel, and 5) monotheism. These are the doctrines the Bible says are necessary. Though there are many other important doctrines, these five are the ones that are declared by Scripture to be essential (I call them primary essentials since the Bible declares them as essential). A non-regenerate person (i.e., Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness, atheist, Muslim), will deny one or more of these essential doctrines. Please note that there are other derivative doctrines of scripture that become necessary also and the Trinity being one.

Matthew Slick has in this short webpage presented us with a focus on essential doctrines. Note some additional items he includes, Jesus is the proper object of Faith. Secondary Essentials – Jesus is the only way to salvation, Jesus’ Virgin Birth, and the Doctrine of the Trinity.

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