Tabernacle{s Typical Teaching

Pollock, A.J. – Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching

Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching is a work on the meaning and construction of the Tabernacle, with its spiritual significance.

The Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching

by  Algernon James Pollock 

Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching is a work on the meaning and construction of the Tabernacle, with its spiritual significance.

Table of Contents of  Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching

The Collection of Materials for the Construction of the Tabernacle and Their Typical Meaning
The Significance of Numbers in the Construction and Service of the Tabernacle
Things Worthy or Not in Connection With the Tabernacle and Its Service
The Ark, Mercy Seat, and Cherubims
The Table of Shewbread
The Golden Candlestick
The Curtains of the Tabernacle
The Boards of the Tabernacle
The Vail and the Hanging for the Door of the Tent
The Brazen Altar
The Court of the Tabernacle
The Garments of Glory and Beauty
The Consecration of Aaron and His Sons
The Golden Altar of Incense and the Brazen Laver
The Offerings
The Burnt Offering
The Meat Offering
The Peace Offering
The Sin Offering
The Trespass Offering
The Great Day of Atonement
The Cleansing of the Leper
The Ashes of the Red Heifer
Four Great Historical Types of the Death of Christ
Melchizedek, Type of Christ as Priest and King Upon His Throne
The Seven Feasts of the Lord


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Other Bible Types Books

Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Watson, Richard – Biblical and Theological Dictionary (5 vols)
Newberry, Thomas – Types of Tabernacle-Temple
Anderson, Sir Robert – Types in Hebrews
Carradine – Second Blessing in Symbol
Pollock, A.J. – Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching
Fairbairn, Patrick – The Typology of Scripture (2 vols) – This is a landmark work on Types.

You might want to Google Bible Types of Love, Bible types and Shadows, and Bible types of Books.

Excerpt from Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching


There are two ways of approach to this subject. There is that of the Modernist, who sees in the teaching concerning the Tabernacle in the wilderness nothing more than a dry recital of the meaningless ritual of the worship of a primitive race long centuries ago. For instance a Professor of a Theological College wrote:
  “What value for spiritual life can we find in the minute liturgical and ceremonial details of the Tabernacle and its service” (Peake’s Commentary, p. 5).

On the other hand the well-known writer of helpful Christian literature, the late Sir Robert Anderson, put upon record how the opening up of the spiritual meaning of the Jewish ceremonial law convinced him of the wonderful inspiration of Scripture, and was the means of his taking his stand as a definite Christian.

We wonder what kind of spiritual myopia affected the vision of this modernist Professor when he read the Epistle to the Hebrews. There Moses is contrasted with Christ. Aaron is contrasted with Christ. That mysterious figure, Melchisedec, is contrasted with Christ. The ineffectual sacrifices on Jewish altars are contrasted with the one great, atoning, efficacious sacrifice of Christ. Scripture itself describes these Old Testament types as “The example and shadow of heavenly things” (Heb. 8:5). “The patterns of things in the heavens” (Heb. 9:23). “A shadow of good things to come” (Heb. 10:1).

“Every whit of it utters His glory” (Ps. 29:9, margin). What kind of spectacles did the Professor wear when he read such plain statements as these? We can only come to the conclusion that he failed to sec the beauty of the types, because he did not know the glory of the Antitype, even of our Lord Jesus Christ. Scripture compresses it into one word: “A shadow of things to come; but the body [or Substance in contrast to the shadow] is of Christ” (Col. 2:17).

Christ then is our happy theme – His Deity, Manhood, atoning death, finished work, resurrection, the blessings that flow in rich streams from Him to His people in their association with Him.

Less than two chapters (Gen. 1 and 2) suffice to tell us of the mighty work of creation. Indeed one short verse gives us in ten words the record, “that the worlds were framed by the word of God” (Heb. 11:3). But no less than thirteen chapters in Exodus alone are taken up with instructions as to the Tabernacle and its services. Indeed we may say a large part of the teaching and instructions of the Pentateuch stands mainly in relation to the Tabernacle. This shows the great importance of our theme.

Someone has well described the Tabernacle as “a prophecy in linen, silver, and gold.” It is instinct with deep spiritual meaning. It is fragrant of Christ. It is a striking testimony to the fullness and inspiration of the word of God. Its teaching is one of the richest mines of purest gold in the whole Bible.

Creation was necessary to afford a platform on which God could carry out His plan. The shadows of that scheme are given us in the Tabernacle. The earth in which we live is but the scaffolding for the erection of the building of God for eternity. The Sabbath is a shadow of God being all in all throughout eternity. The scaffolding will be taken down one day. The building of God will arise majestic and eternal to God’s glory and praise. God will yet rest in the complacency of His love, dwelling among His people, in a scene where there will be no tears, pain, sorrow or death.


In going over the details of the types and shadows the same truths are emphasized over and over again. So the reader must be prepared for a good deal of repetition in the following pages. This is unavoidable in dealing with such a subject. On the other hand, one cannot go into every small detail, but be content with a more or less general survey of this intensely interesting portion of God’s Word. The writer has felt the repetition very precious to his own soul, and the continual affirmation of foundation truths as to our Lord’s Deity, Manhood, earthly life, atoning death, and glorious resurrection, etc., very necessary and helpful.

An archbishop in an address to his clergy in Convocation said,
“We often forget what all teachers should remember, the value of frequent repetition of what is of fundamental importance, and the danger of so taking for granted what is fundamental that in the result we never teach it at all.” Wise and weighty words!