Way into the Holiest

Meyer, F.B. – Way into Holiest

This work, Way into the Holiest is 35 chapters on establishing our relationship with a holy God (coming into his holy presence).

The Way Into the Holiest
by F.B. Meyer

This work, Way into the Holiest is 35 chapters on establishing our relationship with a holy God (coming into his holy presence).


1: The Word Of God
2: The Dignity Of Christ
3: The Glory Of Christ’s Office
4: Drifting
5: “What Is Man?”
6: “Perfect Through Sufferings”
7: The Death Of Death
8: Christ’s Merciful And Faithful Help
9: A Warning Against Unbelief
10: The Gospel Of Rest
11: The Word Of God And Its Edge
12: Timely And Needed Help
13: Gethsemane
14: Impossible To Renew To Repentance
15: The Anchorage Of The Soul
16: The Priesthood Of Christ
17: The Superlative Greatness Of Christ
18: The True Tabernacle
19: The Two Covenants
20: The Heavenly Things Themselves
22: The Blood Of Christ
23: “Once”
24: An Ancient Hebrew Custom
25: Drawing Back
26: Faith And Its Exploits
27: Stripping For The Race
28: Chastisement
29: The Ideal Life
30: Sinai And Sion
31: The Things That Cannot Be Shaken
32: God A Consuming Fire
33: The Unchanging Saviour
34: The Established Heart
35: The Closing Prayer


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This Epistle bears no name of author, or designation of church. But it needs neither. In every sentence we can detect the Authorship of the Holy Spirit, and feel that it has a message, not to one age, but to all ages, not to one community, but to the universal Church.

We do not therefore discuss questions which are amply treated in every commentary, but set ourselves at once to derive those great spiritual lessons which are enshrined in these sublime words.

And probably there is no better way of vindicating the authority of the Pentateuch than by showing that it lay at the basis of the teaching of the early Church, and that the Book of Leviticus especially was the seed-plot of New

There are two strong tendencies flowing around us in the present day: the one, to minimise the substitutionary aspect of the death of Christ; the other, to exaggerate the importance of mere outward rite. To each of these the study of this great Epistle is corrective.

We are taught that our Lord’s death was a Sacrifice. We are taught also that we have passed from the realm of shadows into that of realities.

These chapters are altogether inadequate for the treatment of so vast a theme, but such as they are, they are sent forth, in dependence on the Divine Blessing, in the fervent hope that they may serve to make more clear and plain to those who would find and enter it, the Way into the Holiest of all.

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