Larkin, Clarence - The Book of Revelation

Larkin, Clarence – The Book of Revelation

Larkin, Clarence – The Book of Revelation is a 35 chapter book on Revelation. The images are terrific! This is a classic work.

Larkin, Clarence – The Book of Revelation is a 35 chapter book on Revelation. The images are terrific! This is a classic work.

Larkin, Clarence – The Book of Revelation

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This is the Rev. Clarence Larkin’s guide to the Book of Revelation. Larkin, who published several books about biblical studies in the 1910s and 20s, was a ‘Dispensationalist,’ one of the threads of modern Evangelical Christianity. The predecessor of Larkin is J.N. Darby, the founder of Dispensationalism, and among his many successors are Hal Lindsay, and the Left Behind books. Unlike more recent authors, however, Larkin does not make any claims to know when or exactly how the prophecies will unfold.

Rather he takes us on a grand tour of the Apocalypse of St. John, and guides us through its images, symbols and poetry. Larkin sorts out what could be a reference to an actual event or person, (without attempting any particular association) and what is pure symbolism. Larkin uses bold type extensively for emphasis, as well as some superb ‘visual aids’ in the form of intricate charts and maps. Contrasted with other prophetic books such as Nostradamus and the Sibylline Oracles, Revelation has a consistent narrative with a beginning, middle and end. It is also one of the essential sacred texts and required reading for anyone interested in religion. This book will be a welcome reference for anyone studying or trying to explain Revelation, whether or not they are Dispensationalists.

Table of Contents of Larkin, Clarence – The Book of Revelation

1. The Prophetic Word
2. Pre-Millennalism
3. Mountain Peaks Of Prophecy
4. The Second Coming of Christ
5. Rightly Dividing the Word
6. The Present Evil World
7. The Dispensational Work of Christ
8. The Dispensational Work of the Holy Spirit
9. The Jews
10. The Gentiles
11. The Church
12. The King
13. The Kingdom
14. The Spirit World
15. Spiritualism
16. The Resurrections
17. The Judgments
18. Satan

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19. Antichrist
20. The Satanic Trinity
21. The Four Gospels
22. The Seven Churches
23. The Tribulation
24. Babylon the Great
25. Renovation of the Earth
26. The Covenants
27. The Mysteries
28. Types And Antitypes
29. The Trees to Which Israel Is Compared In Scriptures
30. The Feasts of the Lord
31. The Offerings
32. The Dispensational Teaching of the Great Pyramid
33. Scripture Numerics
34. The Signs of the Times
“He Shall Come”

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