March 2024 Statistics

March 2024 Statistics In this image below, you can see that we are having about 1000+ visits per day in March 2024, glory to God. Look to the right sidebar, and you will see those posts waiting to publish, as well as 25 of the latest posts published.

March 2024 Statistics

March 2024 Statistics
March 2024 Statistics

What is really amazing is I still haven’t had any donations to keep the site up and running, nor for my labors for years now! So many people visiting, downloading, and apparently, nobody is at all appreciative of our labors.

Luke 10:7 … for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.

1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

Matthew 10:10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.

It would seem to me that all of you guys that are viewing and downloading Bible references books in theWord format from my site never really take the Bible to heart.

I really am not asking much. If you download files from my website, donate a dollar or two every year. Nowadays, $5 is cheap. If a McDonald’s hamburger is costing $20 in some places in the U.S., you would think that you could afford to donate something small every 3 or 4 months. It is time-consuming and laborious to make new modules. Even though our modules (mine and with Winston’s help making as many as I have made), I still have to pay for hosting and domain fees every year, year after year. These costs add up to around several hundred dollars each year.

twmodules April 2024 Visitors
twmodules April 2024 Visitors

Matthew 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

There is reward for those people who help others, especially for spiritual edification. There is a principle of giving something that is “just” to people who labor for your benefit. Winston and I will receive ALL THE REWARD for what this site represents in heaven, because we foot the bill. I know that there have been some who have made modules that we have taken from other sites and uploaded here. They, too, will get a reward from the Lord in heaven. When I started all of this, I just linked to those “other websites” and in 6 months they were taken down. I got tired of that and made this site so that theWord users would have a stable, long term place to find modules.

To be truthful, I have had a lot of disappointments. People ripped my website off and put up their own, with my modules. When I tried to take what they had uniquely, they wrote me nasty emails threatening me. (A public domain work means that anybody can use the work without asking permission.)

I have been hacked, I have had to defend my site from viruses and hackers, and I have had technical problems (still even today we are recovering from one such thing, so if you want to go through 2000+ posts making new download links, try it to see if it is fun, easy, or something you want to repeat. Try spending about 5 hours with hosting tech support one morning and see how that messes with other work you might want to do. I am a pastor and missionary in Mexico City since 1986, and we have about 50% of our support needed only in some months of the year). I continue to get hassled by our hosting company (which shuts our site down because we are using too many resources and affecting other websites on our hosting account) because the site has too many files on it, it has too much traffic. If only that traffic was giving $1 per each visitor, my economic woes would be over!

Sample of What People are Downloading

December 2023 Highest Posts
December 2023 Highest Posts

So my discouragement is forcing me to consider just stopping it all, or go to a model of putting a cost on each module before downloading. I know that would stop probably 90% of my traffic. Those who are copying my modules to put up on their websites will copy everything and offer it for free. But either forcing people to pay or just closing this site down is a prayer that I am working through with the Lord. I am not rich, and we live month to month, and are having problem like everybody else with inflation. Maintaining this site is a financial burden as well as a spiritual burden. I and my wife pay for these costs from our living expense.

Maybe I should just “let it go” so that you guys will have to find these works somewhere else, and these other places will probably go to a direct pay method also when there is no competition. Seems like a real shame, considering I am asking a few dollars every year from each of our regular and even our irregular users.

While you are considering all of this, remember Costas Stergiou, theWord creator, and send him a donation also. Buy some premium modules from him to help his cause also. (Note that asking to donate money doesn’t seem to cause income, so even he is using a paid model.)

This is the direction of everything people, so consider very carefully that new works, and better works, are not going to come unless you cooperate with the people making these modules and also with those who host them on the internet.

Note, I no longer add Google AdSense code to new pages (I’m not removing either). With the visitors I have on this site, it is ridiculous that AdSense is paying me less than $2/month. They also have squeezed site owners out of any real gain. But even though Google AdSense is a cheapskate in my opinion, THEY ARE PAYING ME A BIG $24/year! How much have you donated last year? I don’t remember a single PayPal donation from any of my sites over the last year (actually, that goes back years now)! One thing is to get rich from a website, and another thing is to pay all the costs and go broke!

March 2024 Statistics