Winslow, Octavius – Instant Glory

Instant Glory is a one chapter work about the death of Hannah Winslow by her husband.

Instant Glory is a one chapter work about the death of Hannah Winslow by her husband.

Instant Glory! The Death of Hannah Winslow

By her husband, Octavius Winslow, 1867

Instant Glory is a one chapter work about the death of Hannah Winslow by her husband.

The writer shrinks from any express allusion to an event so personal and sacred to himself as that which the reader is aware suggested the subject of this address, and which now so affectingly and forcibly illustrates it. No other course, however, was open to him of meeting the numerous inquiries of distant friends, for whose sympathy he is sincerely grateful, and to whose wishes he would respectfully bow. The narrative is simple and brief.

On Monday morning, October the 8th, the writer left home to fulfill a pulpit engagement in town. Mrs. Winslow, with some members of the family, accompanied him to the station. Arriving half an hour before the departure of the train, an opportunity was afforded for that quiet, unreserved fellowship so rarely permitted amid the incessant and absorbing claims and excitement of professional and public life. It seemed as if a lifetime of thought and feelings were crowded within the space of that fleeting half hour! It was a remarkable circumstance, and this it was which gave a character and a history to the entire scene, that the writer was at the time suffering from a depression of spirits in a way quite unusual, and to a degree almost overwhelming.

A “horror of great darkness” came over him, tinging, at the moment, with its somber hue, every object upon which the mental eye rested. Even nature, painted with the brilliant hues of a warm autumnal sun, seemed to lose its beauty and its charm. He freely communicated his feelings to her who leaned upon his arm, treading with him. Alas — how unsuspected by either of us — the last stage of wedded life! I remarked to her that the words of Paul, when parting from the Ephesian Elders, most appropriately expressed what I then felt, “Behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there.”

And now it was her mission to sympathize and comfort. And if ever, through a life of unswerving fidelity to duty and love, she rose to the loftiest height of that mission, it was then! From that moment — how fleeting and precious were those moments now — a tide of the most spiritual and consolatory thoughts, enriched with some of the most appropriate promises and portions of God’s Word, flowed as a silvery stream from her lips. Her whole soul, animated to a degree, seemed moved with an inspiration from above. One of my daughters remarked that “she never saw her mamma appear so heavenly as then.”

She dwelt with great earnestness upon . . .
the faithfulness of God,
the rectitude of all His ways,
the utter impossibility of any variation in His love,
the knowledge that Jesus had of all His people’s needs,
and the power and readiness with which His heart was prepared to meet it.


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