Law, Henry – Spiritual Fears

By Henry Law, 1873

If there is a picture, in which all enchanting beauty shines, it is that which represents the state of the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.–Gal. 3:26. Every joy should glow in their cup. They are called to a song swelling with melody, which cannot be more sweet. They are invited to a garden, in which each fragrant flower ever blooms. They are enjoined to sit down beneath the shadow of a tree, on whose extended branches most luscious fruit forever hangs. A volume is presented to their hands, written inside and outside in glowing terms of bliss–in which every page is calm and bright, and where perusal never wearies. Thus blessed is the heritage of faith.

To show the truth of this statement is an easy and delightful task. It requires no stretch of mind–no strain of argument–no effort of intellect–no expansion of reason’s wings–no deductions of logic–no inventions of wit. To gain this light, we have only to sit still, and hear what God the Lord has said. Let the record be now pondered with earnest cry–‘Open our eyes, good Lord, that we may behold wondrous things out of Your law; open our ears that we may hear Your heavenly voice, walking in the garden of Your word; open our mouths wide, and then descend and fill.’


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