James – Female Piety

James – Female Piety is a work for Christian women on female Piety from an old author.

Female Piety—The Young Woman’s Guide through Life to Immortality
By John Angell James, (1853)

Summary: This is a work for Christian women on female Piety from an old author.

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Table of Contents

    • Introduction
    • The Influence of Christianity on the Condition of Woman
    • The Conspicuous Place Which Woman Occupies in Holy Scripture
    • Woman’s Mission
    • Early Piety
    • Christian Zeal
    • The Parental Home
  • Life Away from Home
  • The Character of Rebekah
  • The Ornaments of a Profession of Religion
  • The Characters of Martha and Mary of Bethany
  • To Young Mothers
  • The Beautiful Picture of the Excellent Wife in the Book of Proverbs

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