Berkhof, Louis – Introduction to the New Testament

Introduction to the New Testament is an introductory to every book in the New Testament by Reformed Author Berkof.

Introduction to the New Testament

By Louis Berkhof

Introduction to the New Testament is introductory to every book in the New Testament by Reformed Author Berkof.

It has been my constant endeavor in writing this book, to make it a work that would introduce the students to the books of the New Testament, as they have in fact been transmitted to the Church, and not as some critic or other would have them be. Hence critical questions, though not disregarded, do not loom as large on its pages as they often do in works on Introduction; the positive constructive element has a decided precedence over the apologetic; and the human factor that operated in the origin and composition of the Scriptures, is not studied to the neglect of the divine.-Louis Berkhof.

In his book, Introduction to the New Testament, Louis Berkhof investigates the history and purpose of the Gospels and Epistles in the New Testament. Berkhof’s sections begin with a brief outline followed by a comprehensive look at the characteristics, authorship, composition, and canonical significance of each New Testament book. Preceding his discussion of the Gospels, Berkhof discusses the nature and inspiration of the Gospels in general, and introduces the Johannine problem, in which the first three Synoptic Gospels are set apart from the latter Gospel, John. Berkhof’s Introduction relies on the findings of a wide range of New Testament scholars including the early Church Fathers. Berkhof’s references are very easy to navigate which makes Introduction to the New Testament a prime text for student study. In fact, Berkhof intended this work to be utilized in the classroom at Calvin Theological Seminary where he taught for nearly 30 years until becoming its president in 1944.

Table of Contents of Introduction to the New Testament

Title Page
The Gospels in General
The Epistles in General
The Epistles of Paul
The Epistle to the Romans
The First Epistle to the Corinthians
The Second Epistle to the Corinthians
The Epistle to the Galatians
The Epistle to the Ephesians
The Epistle to the Philippians
The Epistle to the Colossians
The First Epistle to the Thessalonians
The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
The Pastoral Epistles
The First Epistle to Timothy
The Second Epistle to Timothy
The Epistle to Titus
The Epistle to Philemon
The Epistle to the Hebrews
The General Epistle of James
The First General Epistle of Peter
The Second General Epistle of Peter
The First General Epistle of John
The Second and Third General Epistles of John
The General Epistle of Jude
The Revelation of John


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