Pollock A.J. – Amazing Jew

Pollock A.J. – Amazing Jew

Pollock A.J. – Amazing Jew

The Amazing Jew


It is gratifying that a fourth edition of The Amazing Jew is being called for, as testifying to the deep interest taken in the people of God’s choice, and the land which He gave them in covenant with Abraham Possibly historians in the day to come will realize that the greatest result of the Great War of 1914-1918 was the dramatic entry of Lord Allenby into Jerusalem without firing a shot, wresting Palestine from the supine domination of the Turk, setting the country free for the immigration of large numbers of Jews, and the country’s start on a new era of prosperity.

God is behind the scenes working out His own plans, which have Jerusalem as the capital of the world. We believe the second great world war will eventuate in the importance of Palestine being recognized from a military, industrial and geographical point of view as never before. The rising prosperity of the country, the loyal support of the Jewish population of Palestine in the prosecution of the war, will meet with a reward that will give an importance to that land far beyond anything yet granted.


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