Mackintosh Short Papers

Mackintosh Short Papers

Short Papers

C. H. Mackintosh.

Contents of Mackintosh Short Papers

A Word to Our Readers
How to Study Scripture
Questions — and How to Meet Them
The Law and the Gospel
Dead to the Law
Grace and Holiness
A Workman’s Motto
Authority and Power
Obedience and Dependence
Stability and Peace
Obedience: What is it?
Preaching Christ: What is it?
The Alabaster Box
Responsibility and Power
Privilege and Responsibility
The Two Links
Four Points of Knowledge
“If the Lord Tarry”
God Preaching Peace
“Rivers of Living Water”
A Fragment on Worship
Separation: Not Fusion
Two Impossibles
“Reconciled and Saved”
“Accepted” and “Acceptable”
Relief for a Burdened Heart
Three Precious Gifts
The Judgment Seat of Christ
What is a Castaway?
Provision for Perilous Times
The Closing Scenes of Malachi and Jude
The Sympathy and Grace of Jesus
“Loops of Blue”
Christ and His Yoke
The Divine Anathema
The Two Altars
Cloven Tongues
Israel and the Nations
A Heart for Christ
Peter on the Water
Alone with Jesus
A Sleepless Night
“Have Faith in God”
“What Wait I For?”
An Earnest Appeal
“Let Us Go Again”
John the Baptist
What Should I Read?
The Work of God in the Soul
“Five Words”
The Book and the Soul
The Study of the Book of Psalms
Superstition and Infidelity
The Grace of God
Christian Life: What is it?
Devotedness: What is it?
“The Well of Bethlehem”
David’s Last Words
The Priest’s Place and Portion
The Brazen Sea
The Grapes of Eshcol
The Two Mites
“He From Within”
A Motto for the New Year
Reason and Revelation
Headship and Lordship
David’s Three Attitudes
“Gain to Me”
The Sufficiency of the Scriptures
The Divine Character of Faith
The Law
Money and Debt
Going to Law
The Leading of the Spirit
The Father’s Discipline
A Spirit of Love and Grace
Lending Books
Assembly Fellowship and Discipline
The Lord’s Supper
Ministry and Service
The Role and Deportment of Women
Separation from the World
False Positions and Unequal Yokes
Military Service
The Future State
Paul and the Twelve
The Sovereignty of God etc.
The Coming of Christ
The Believer’s Security
Dispensational Matters
The Doctrine of Christ
The Path of Faith and Exhortation
“The Unpardonable Sin”
Repentance and Conversion

Mackintosh Short Papers

Published by Believer’s Bookshelf Inc. 5205 Regional Road #81, Unit #3, Beamsville, Ontario, L0R 1B3, Canada, and reproduced by kind permission.


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EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION TO THE 1995 EDITION of Mackintosh Short Papers

Charles Henry Mackintosh was well known for both his spoken ministry and his written ministry which spanned 50 years. In style and character, his writings, often under the initials C.H.M., clearly showed his very deep love for the Lord Jesus and for His saints. He believed in and wrote about the narrow pathway the Christian is called to walk by the Word of God, but for a need of a large heart of love and grace while never giving up or failing to practice any truth found in that Word. Although he wrote a number of years ago, his writing seems very up-to-date in speaking of deteriorating world political and moral conditions — a giving up of the truth of the Word of God even by professed Christians.

Many of CHM’s writings were in the form of short articles and letters to persons who asked him questions. We are thankful to those who, in the past, have collected these articles and letters for publication and arranged them in the published order. Although this order is generally random, some which naturally fall together are placed together.

This 1995 edition of Short Papers retains about 98% of CHM’s original words, but for the modern reader, a number of words, little used today, have been changed to their modern equivalents. Some very long sentences and paragraphs have been broken up to enhance readability, and much of the heavy punctuation has been lightened. A few references to events or publications no longer relevant today have been removed. The King James Translation is used, unchanged, except for updating the word “charity” to “love” and capitalizing pronouns referring to deity.

Believers Bookshelf sends forth this 1995 edition with the prayer that these writings will be a blessing to a whole new generation of readers around the world. We thank the unnamed ones who spent many hours reviewing, finalizing and typesetting this manuscript. We commend it to you with the Scriptural admonition to “prove all things, hold fast the good” (1 Thess. 5:21).

July 1995