Winslow None Like Christ

Winslow, Octavius – None Like Christ

None like Christ by Winslow is a short 1 chapter work comparing Christ. Glory, Love, Teacher, Teacher, etc.

None like Christ by Winslow is a short 1 chapter work comparing Christ. Glory, Love, Teacher, Teacher, etc.

None Like Christ

None Like Christ
By Octavius Winslow, 1866
“How is your beloved better than others?”
Son 5:9


By Octavius Winslow, 1866


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“How is your beloved better than others?”
Son 5:9

The power of contrast is acknowledged by all. The poet studies it in the construction of his epic; the artist in the coloring of his picture; the logician in the arrangement of his argument; the lover of nature as his eye roves over the outspread landscape– all are conscious of the presence and power of this principle. The object of contrast is not to create the ideal, or to foster the fictitious; but to confirm the existence, and heighten the power and impression of the true. It is thus that the beautiful becomes more attractive, the grand more sublime, the good more excellent, and the object which awoke our admiration and inspired our regard, enthrones itself more firmly and supremely upon the soul.

The Word of God is replete with contrasts. In no volume is the effect more striking. How constantly, by an easy and graceful antithesis, the Holy Spirit places in contrast the vanity of idols, and the existence of God; the insignificance of man, and the greatness of Jehovah; the evanescence of things temporal, and the permanence of things eternal; the deformity of sin, and the beauty of holiness; the objects and attractions of earth, and the scenes and allurements of heaven; our waywardness and unworthiness, with God’s mercy and love. With what power, beauty, and reality are the great things of God’s word thus brought out!

In presenting to you, my reader, the Lord Jesus Christ, as worthy of your undivided affection, supreme confidence, and unreserved service, infinitely distancing and eclipsing all other beings and all other objects brought in competition with him, we purpose adopting this principle; assured that the result must be, with the accompanying blessing of the Holy Spirit, the supreme enthronement of Christ in your admiration, trust, and love, as the “chief among ten thousand, and the one altogether lovely one.” Happy shall we be if the conviction of the truth is deepened in your soul, NONE LIKE CHRIST!

Nor could we engage your thoughts upon a subject more suitable to the new and solemn period of time upon which we have entered. You are about to add another deathless chapter to the momentous volume of your personal history. As yet its lines are untraced, its events unrecorded. What that history may be, you have no vision to guide your knowledge; nor, if you are wise and trusting, do you wish to know– calm and fixed in the assurance that it is all prearranged in the covenant that is “ordered in all things, and sure,” and that, impenetrable as is the veil that conceals it from your eye, God will permit nothing to transpire but what he has shaped and tinted with just that form and hue that will the most perfectly harmonize and blend, and will the most surely promote, your greatest well-being with his highest glory.

“What is your beloved more than another beloved?” It is clear, from this interrogation, addressed to the Church of Christ, that other and rival beings, other and competing objects, were brought into comparison with Christ, asking, if not a superior, yet an equal share of homage and regard; and the Church is challenged to a vindication of the higher and superior attractions claimed for her beloved Lord. “What is your beloved more than another beloved?”

It is a humiliating fact, that there exists no object, the most trivial and contemptible, which the unrenewed mind will not place in competition with, and choose in preference to, and delight in to the exclusion of the Lord Jesus Christ! Take a brief and summary view of these claimants to man’s regard– these rivals of Christ– and see how far they are worthy of a moment’s consideration, when brought in contrast with the incarnate Son of God. Before we proceed, however, to particularize, let us premise that this is no new phase or development of our depraved humanity. Our world has ever been a Christ-rejecting world. From the moment the angels’ song broke in music upon the plains of Bethlehem, the prediction of the Christ-exalting prophet, Isaiah, commenced its sad fulfillment– “he is despised and rejected of men.”
With some individuals, SELF is the rival– self in some of its many forms. Self-righteousness, self-seeking, self-indulgence, self-worship is the acknowledged and enthroned god– the “beloved” object of the unrenewed mind’s supreme affection and worship.

With others, the WORLD is preferred to Christ– its acquisitions, opinions, and pleasures. O treacherous world what myriads have you drawn within your insatiable vortex, “drowning men’s souls in perdition!” Reader, are you preferring its gayeties, its riches, its honors, its religion to Christ? Pause on the threshold of this solemn period of time, and ask– “What, should I die this year, will the world I have chosen in preference to the Savior do for me when eternity stares me in the face?”

Others place the CREATURE in competition with Christ; the creature and not the Savior is their “beloved.” But what a fearful crime are they chargeable with, “who worship and serve the creature more (or rather) than the Creator, who is blessed forever.” The creature is the defaced, the spoiled image of God. To prefer this marred and ruined temple to the glorious Being who constructed it, is to place yourself upon a level with the idolatrous Persian, who in his blindness worships the sun as the image of the Deity.

But what superior excellence and attraction has an earthly beloved, that you should choose, love, and adore it in preference to the Heavenly One, who, as human, is “fairer than the children of men,” and who, as divine, is “God over all, blessed for evermore”? God will not hold him guiltless who loves, worships, and serves the creature rather than the Creator. Thus, there is nothing earthly, base, and contemptible which the natural man will not place above God, and prefer to Christ. His estate, his rank, his talents, his reputation, his very person, is “made to sit in the temple of God, showing itself that it is God,” receiving the incense of adoration and worship, which alone belongs to Jehovah.

Reader, whatever earthly object reigns supreme in your mind and affections, dethrones and supplants the Lord Jesus. It may be your daily calling, or some pleasure of memory, or some object of taste– music, sculpture, painting, literature, science– whatever the master-passion of your soul, the supreme, all-engrossing object of your life, it is your Christ, your Savior, your beloved, your all; and with this, your only portion and preparation, you are, in a little while, to confront the bar of God “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

But we approach yet closer our subject, and proceed to unfold the preeminent place Christ occupies in the universe of life, beauty, and love– in the world of nature and of grace– showing that there is not, amid this vast assemblage of magnificent objects and glorious beings, one like Christ.

“None like Christ!” How familiar is this sentiment to the family of God. Sometimes it is the expression of gladsome joy, at others, breathed in sadness and in grief. When some beam of holy rapture has lighted up the soul, and the preciousness of the Savior is felt, then the tongue exclaims, “None like Christ!”– there is no joy like that which Jesus inspires! Or, when some scheme of human happiness is blighted, some cherished friendship chilled, some idol-god smitten from its shrine, some earthly spring dried, turning from the scene, spirit-wounded, heart-saddened, and disappointed, the soul has fled anew to Christ, its true attraction and rest, and with a depth of emotion and an emphasis of expression, the inspiration only of such a feeling, the believer has exclaimed– “Lord, there is none like yourself! I learn your transcendent worth, I experience your matchless love, I behold your unrivaled beauty, I feel your inimitable tenderness, gentleness, and sympathy in this hour when my spirit is overwhelmed within me, and my earthly treasures float a scattered wreck upon the surging waters through which I come to you!”

Contents of None like Christ

I. No GLORY like His.

II. No BEAUTY like His.

III. No LOVE like His.

1. The love of Christ is a REVEALING love.
2. The love of Christ is a CONDESCENDING love.
3. The love of Christ is a SELF-SACRIFICING love.
4. Nor is there any love so FORGIVING as Christ’s love.

IV. No SAVIOR like Him.

V. No TEACHER like Him.

VI. No FRIEND like Him.

More from Christology Category

VII. No SERVICE like His.

‘Tis not for man to trifle; life is brief,
And sin is here;
Our age is but the falling of a leaf,
A dropping tear.

We have no time to sport away the hours;
All must be earnest in a world like ours.
Not many lives, but only one have we;

One, only one–
How sacred should that one life ever be–
That narrow span!
Day after day filled up with blessed toil,
Hour after hour still bringing in new spoil.”

“Enthrone the precious Savior in your heart,
Let all your homage unto him be paid;
Allow no idol to usurp in part
The glory due to him who all things made.
In thought, word, deed, your life to him be given,
You shall be blessed on earth, and saved in heaven.”

“I’ll not leave Jesus– never, never!
Ah! what can more precious be?
Rest, and joy, and light are ever
In his hand to give to me.

All things that can satisfy,
Having Jesus, these have I.”
Love has bound me fast to him,
I am his, and he is mine;

Daily I for pardon ask him,
Answers he with peace divine.
On that rock my trust is laid,
And I rest beneath its shade.

Without Jesus, earth would weary,
Seem almost like hell to me;
But if Jesus I have near me,
Earth is almost heaven to me.

Am I hungry? He does give
Bread on which my soul does live.
Oh! how light upon my shoulder
Lies my cross, now grown so small.

For the Lord is my upholder,
Fits it to me, softens all.
Neither shall it always stay–
Patience! it will pass away!”

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